If you’re man suffering with a less than ideal chest area due to decreased activity levels, degradation muscle tone, or just getting older and watching your testosterone be replaced by higher levels of estrogen, resulting in what is commonly known as male breasts. We can help make a difference.

Male Breast Reduction
What you need to know about male breast reduction
The rate of gynecomastia (large breasts) occur in almost 40% of all men. You are not alone and we can help restore the chest area and give you confidence back.
Dr. Murtagh uses the best male breast reduction surgery technique to remove the excess fat and to totally reshape and sculpt your chest. The result is a more masculine hard chest that you have been hoping for.
Call today for a complimentary consult.
Reasons you should look into having a male breast reduction process performed.
While it is not terribly life-threatening, the condition of gynaecomastia can be a crippling and debilitating terror on your psyche and confidence levels. There is nothing worse than feeling like less of a man then you are simply because of your outward appearance. And while most people will try to attack this problem all in their own, either through diet or exercise, you’ll soon see that depending on where you are in the stages of gynaecomastia these have little effect if any at all.
Searching for the best male breast reduction surgeon is absolutely essential. Dr. Murtagh is experienced, board certified and trained to ensure the best results.